Una modernidad hecha a mano. Diseño artesanal en México, 1952-2022.

Una modernidad hecha a mano. Diseño artesanal en México, 1952-2022.

Una modernidad hecha a mano. Diseño artesanal en México, 1952-2022.

(A Handmade Modernity
Craft Design in Mexico, 1952–2022

An exhibition and research by Ana Elena Mallet at MUAC
In Mexico, incorporating modernity into the design of the everyday environment involved a unification of local traditions and conditions with the dream of industrialization. That precedent of combining the needs of modern life with diverse aesthetics of a folk and craft inclination continues to inform design’s largely Mexicanist vocabulary in this country.

14.05.2022 — 13.11.2022


Una modernidad hecha a mano. Diseño artesanal en México, 1952-2022.

Una modernidad hecha a mano. Diseño artesanal en México, 1952-2022.

Una modernidad hecha a mano. Diseño artesanal en México, 1952-2022.


Joel Escalona, Head of Product Design for NONO


Disonancia Mexicana