Let's talk about sketches.


Let's talk about sketches. They're quick, timely and inexpensive. Sketches serve as a shot of espresso for your creative mind. While they may be low-cost and disposable, their value lies not in their physical form but in the sparks of innovation they ignite.

Sketches come with their own language—a visual vocabulary, if you will. The style, fluidity, and 'openness' of a sketch signal that a new concept is in an emerging stage, much like a flower waiting to bloom.

Sketches explore but don't confirm. Their beauty lies in their ambiguity. In this vagueness, sketches become a playground for interpretation, offering you a canvas on which to project your subconscious ideas.

To illustrate, consider this: What you're reading right now is a sketch of thoughts, an evolving idea. I remain far from definitive answers, continually pondering the essence of a sketch.


Introducing Socle Collection


Imagine if furniture could meditate; that's Sereno.